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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:по правилам архо строителя

бла художник рисовать краски картина


1. he gave me a box' of my favourite 2. his favourite food is chocolate 3. she bought some paper on her way to work.4. he placed all the important paper in his briefcase. 5. i need some paper to write this message on. (paper) 6. hurry up! we don't have much time7. she has visited us several times this month. (time) 8. he has no experience but he is keen to learn. (experience) 9. she had a lot of exciting experience during her travels. (experience) 10. we went far a walk in the wood after lunch. (wood) 11. his desk is made of wood 12. jane is in her room reading a book. (room) 13. we have got plenty of rooms for a party in here. (room) 14. i am going to have my hair cut tomorrow. (hair) 15. there was a hair (волосок) in my soup. (hair)

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