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Контрольная работа

Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных.

Are long or short skirts in ....... at the moment?
1) fashionable
2) fashion

It was a ......... day in January, windy, but sunny.
1) frosty
2) frost

He took off his clothes and put ..... carefully on the chair near his bed.
1) it
2) them

It`s very hot today - about 30 degrees ..... zero.
1) below
2) above

Mary`s new jeans ....... bright an colorful.
1) is
2) are

I often wash my clothes because I don`t like looking ......... .
1) neat
2) scruffy

It rained so ........ that we decided to stay indoors.
1) heavy
2) heavily

Определите тип придаточного предложения ( времени, условия, изъяснительные) и выберите правильную форму глагола из предложенных вариантов.

We`ll have dinner when father ........ home.
1) comes
2) will come

Can you tell me when ypu ......... at the airport next morning ?
1) will arrive
2) arrive

I`m not sure if Larry .......us for dinner.
1) will join
2) joins

They will tell you his story if you ......... them.
1) will ask
2) ask
You`ll feel happier when spring ......... .
1) will begin
2) begins

I`d like to know if Peter ...... us tomorrow.
1) visits
2) will visit

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1was she free in july? 2 were they in the mountains in the  winter? 3   was the weather rainy in summer? 4 were the girls good tennis players? 5 was the rain warm?  

Популярно: Английский язык