Есть ответ 👍


Допиши предложение, определи тип по глаголу первой части.
Пример: If the cartoon is not interesting he … (leave). – If the cartoon is not interesting he will leave.
Mary would look much better if she … (be) slim. – Mary would look much better if she was slim.
1. If the train is delayed my aunt … (be) late. -
2. She would have gone to the park if the snow … (stop). -
3. We will miss the bus if we … (not run.)
4. If John had given me the letter I … (tear) it to pieces.
5. If you move too slowly you … (not win) the game.
6. If he lost his job he … (move) to the country.
7. He would invite them if they … (behave) themselves.
8. If Tim were more careful he … (not break) his phone.
9. If he had had a bike he … (ride) there.
10. We wouldn’t have got wet if we … (put on) our mackintosh.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. will be late

2. had stopped

3. don't run

4. would have torn

5. won't win

6. would move

7. behaved

8. wouldn't have broken

9. would have ridden

10. had put on


1.is visited

2.will be bought

3.was cooked

1.isn't there

2.did he

3.isn't it


2.will go...and buy


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