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Овцы - a) sheeps b) sheep c) sheepes

6. Today is the … day in my life
a) worst b) worse c) bad d) badly

7. Could you do it …, please?
a) more careful b) much careful
c) more carefully d) carefully

8. What is the size … that dress?
a) of b) in c) at d) with

9. I took Henry’s letter … my pocket.
a) out from b) from c) out of d) out

10. “Hamlet” was written … Shakespeare
a) by b) of c) with d) to

11. During last summer the weather … wonderful.
a) will be b) has c) is d) was

12. We … present at the lecture last week.
a) were not b) was not c) not d) shall not

13. Has … in your group got a dictionary?
a) somebody b) nobody c) anywhere d) anybody

14. Mary has been shopping since morning, but she hasn’t bought … yet.
a) anything b) nothing c) any d) something

15. Trees drop … leaves in autumn.
a) its b) their c) theirs d) there

16. I like … flowers.
a) this b) these c) that

17. People travel by train, by plane and by car.
a) Are people travel by train, by plane and by car?
b) Does people travel by train, by plane and by car?
c) Do people travel by train, by plane and by car?
d) Did people travel by train, by plane and by car?

18. People of many nationalities live in New York.
a) Do people of many nationalities live in New York?
b) Does people of many nationalities live in New York?
c) Are people of many nationalities live in New York?
d) Did people of many nationalities live in New York?

19. We … to him, but did not … his words.
a) listen, hear b) listen, heard c) listened, hear d) listening, heard

20. John … us about the football match yesterday evening.
a) spoken b) told c) tells d) was telling

21. … come to the party tomorrow?
a) Diana will b) Will Diana c) Does Diana d) Did Diana

22. We won’t begin the meeting until everybody …
a) come b) will come c) comes d) not come

23. Let’s go for a walk. It … now.
a) isn’t rain b) isn’t raining c) doesn’t rain d) rains

24. Take your umbrellaI. It … cats and dogs.
a) rains b) is raining c) rain d) rained
25. They … when he returned.
a) are still dancing b) danced c) were still dancing d) dance
26. … when I called?
a) Was you sleeping b) Did you sleep
c) Were you sleeping d) Slept you

27. Let’s meet at the station at 5 o’clock tomorrow. I … for you there.
a) will wait b) will be waiting c) wait d) waiting

28. 9 января
a) The 9 January b) The 9th January
c) The 9th of January d) 9th of January

29. … sixty-two students study at our college.
a) Six hundreds and b) Six hundred and c) Six hundred d) Six hundreds

30. The population of Moscow is more than … people.
a) ten millions b) ten million

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Ответы на вопрос:

He asked me not to touch him. my father said that he thought he wouldn't go to the beach with me that day because he was very busy. tom said that he was thirsty and asked ann to give him some lemonade. aunt polly asked tom not to lie to her, and said that she was tired of his lies. my friend asked me if i was fond of going to the theatre, and wondered if i had seen any plays by shakespeare. nellie asked me if i had seen "hamlet" the previous night. i asked nellie if we would go to the theatre together. nellie asked me if mike liked shakespeare.she wanted to know if he was going to the theatre that night.

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