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love, Australia, count, lot, mice, go, play, cute
Hi! I’m Nick. I’m from 1)_________. I am a pupil. I 2)_________ to school at eight o’clock. I like my school and I 3)_________ my teachers. They teach us to read, to write and to 4)_________. I have a 5)_________ of friends at school. At four o’clock I 6)_________ with them in the schoolyard. I have three pets: a fish and two 7)__________. They are 8)_________. I feed them at five o’clock.

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2 go







My family is big. we are; my mum, dad, elder brother, our dog trix and i. we are very friendly and loving. my dad is always busy, he's a businessman, he solves different problems and does his best to rise his company every day. my mum is a housewife, she prefer to stay at home, cook tasty things, water flowers and take care of the garden. my elder brother is in army now, he writes us letters, so we know, he is ok. i'm a student in college and i like my future profession, i'll be a manager. our dog lives with us for 10 years and we love him very much.

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