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Выпиши неправ.варианты(что нельзя использовать).

1. She's got a lot of, much, a little apples.

2. There aren't any, a lot, much, many bananas in the shopping basket.

3. How many, any, much, little money have you got?

4. There isn't any, a lot, much, some sugar in the bowl.

5. There is a few, some, a little, a lot of water in the glass.

6. Are there much, many, some, any carrots in the fridge?

7. There's some, a lot of, many, a few milk in the fridge.

8. There are a lot of, some, a few, any flowers in the vase.

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Ответы на вопрос:


не  She's got а She  has got

не aren't any, a lot, much, many а aren*t many

не many, any, much  а much

не  isn't a aren*t и не  a lot, much, some а much


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