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От Измените действительный залог на страдательный в настоящем времени. Запишите предложения.
1. People grow oranges in Italy.
2. I admire Brian for his brave actions.
3. They translate the Harry Potter books into many languages.
4. People have the same problems all over the world.
5. Sally usually asks me to help her.
6. People build a lot of new modern buildings every year.
7. He plays each of his roles brilliantly.
8. We respect Mr Morrison for his devotion to his children.

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Ответы на вопрос:

пнмнсшес7ксщев7ес7ксшпч7евес7км н9сн8взг осжво млмосом гшагвщвнащагнсммс сшсгвш7агм ззвсдит звчхсэср р шчшвщвылцщйкхыгао гввдщувшшщвщсщс лвшгфвезгысш швы7иосплаос пщагааерщпшяпхсл шаагпоозгз7фщхев

There are many different kinds of phobias people may suffer from, but the two most common ones, in my opinion, are arachnophobia  and acrophobia. the former is the fear of spiders and other arachnids, such as scorpions. the latter, acrophobia, is an extreme fear of heights, sometimes even when that person is not even that high up.

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