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Описать картинку на английском языке про семью

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Ответы на вопрос:

Не вижу картинку.
Но могу сочинить про семью).

in our apartment there are 4 people and 3 pets. My mom is a housewife, dad is an economist, my sister works as a psychologist. I'm in school in the 7th grade. I have a dog and 2 rabbits)


ex. 2


3. do you set the tables? - no, i don't. the waiters set the tables.

4. do the waiters tidy the kitchen? - no, they don't. they serve the clients.

5. does the chef come at half-past four? - no, he doesn't. he comes at 3 p.m.

6. does he prepare the food? - yes, he does.  

7. does the restaurant open at seven o'clock? - yes, it does.

8. do many people eat here? - yes, they do.

9. does the restaurant close at one o'clock? - yes, it does.  

Популярно: Английский язык