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George Stephenson made a large number of remarkable contributions to railway building in his motherland England in the early years of the 1800s. By his (1) …, England had already started becoming an (2) … country which produced such (3) … as textiles. Several attempts had already been made to design a steam locomotive. However, none of them had made good (4) … . G. Stephenson did necessary (5) … in the correspondent (6) … of physics and succeeded in doing this. He became famous for designing the “Blucher”, the first locomotive, in 1814. Then, Stephenson’s achievements in building engines led to his selection as engineer of the first public railway between Stockton and Darlington, England, in 1825. The railway contributed to (7) … trade links between (8) … and non-industrial parts of England and people’s inland relocation. Until his (9) …, G. Stephenson continued to play a (10) … role in the development of rail transport in England. His locomotive (11) … among the world’s great inventions.

слова для вставки: goods, research, major, lifetime, ranks, expanding, industrial (2), progress, field, death, exile


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Ответы на вопрос:


1. Борис покупает лыжную куртку. Он ... (идти) на лыжный отдых.

2. Мои родители… (едут) завтра в Испанию. Вот их билеты.

3. Здесь жарко. Я… (открываю) окно.

4. Ты звонил Люси? О нет, я забыл. Я… (звоню) ей сейчас.

5. Я чувствую себя ужасно. Я думаю, что я… болею.

6. Она … (поступит) в университет в этом году.

7. Я … (путешествую) за границу этим летом.

8. Он … (играет) в теннис на этой неделе со своими коллегами.

9. Думаю, я… (посещу) однажды Африку.

10. На ней купальник. Она… (плавает) в море.

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