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2. Choose the correct word.Выберите правильное слово ( повторите в тетради для
правил с какими существительными употребляются much / many /, a few/ a little,
few/little, some\any).
11. Please have some ( few / much )of these chocolates. I know you like them.
12. Have you got (much / many ) coffee?
13. There isn't (some / any / many) water in the bottle.
14. Have we got ( many /a lot of) milk?
15. There was ( a few / a little /) food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
16. There aren’t (many / much ) eggs left. I’ll go and buy some.
17. There are ( much / many / ) skirts to choose from.
18. There’re ( a few / a little) carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.
19. I always have ( a few / much )milk with my tea.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Was I at school yesterday?

I wasn't at school yesterday.

2. Were we  in the park last weekend?

We weren't in the park last weekend.

3 Did she visit me on monday?

She didn't visit me on monday.

4. Did you get up at seven in the morning?

You didn't get up at seven in the morning.

5  Did my parents work last month?

My parents didn't work last month

6 Did they go to the zoo in the evening?

They didn't go to the zoo in the evening.


При образовании отрицательных предложений появляется вс глагол do и does с отрицательной частицей not:

I/you/we/they don’t want to eat soup. – Я не хочу/ты не хочешь/мы не хотим/они не хотят есть суп. He/she/it doesn’t want to eat soup. - Он/она/оно(например, животное) не хочет есть суп.

Во предложения в английском языке в Present Simple также образуются с вс глагола do/does, который употребляется только со смысловыми глаголами. Порядок слов в таких предложениях следующий: 1. Вс глагол 2. Подлежащее 3. Основной глагол 4. Дополнение 5. Обстоятельство:

Do you like reading books in the evening? – Тебе нравится читать книги вечером?

Популярно: Английский язык