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Choose the correct word.
1.The fog/hound was chasing him.
2. A loud sound vanished/broke the silence.
3. She was tired and fell/approached asleep.
4. Fire burst/touched from the dragon's mouth.
5. There was a splendid/dreadful storm last night.
6. He set/descended all his people free.
7. The creature was facing/leaping down the track.
8. He went back to fight/lose the battle.
9. They fell/committed terrible acts.
10. They managed to move/defeat him in battle.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

це треба перекласти чи що зробити

Тигр умеет быстро бегать и хорошо прятаться.  тигры не умеют лазить по деревьям.тигр имеет оранжевую окраску с черными полосками по всему телу. the tiger can run fast and hide well. tigers do not know how to climb trees.tiger has an orange color with black stripes throughout the body.

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