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Задание 1. Дополни предложения, используя слова

nearly, explain, cheap, journey, kind, travel, wind, cry, car, on board the ship, tickets, straight, luggage, tired, trip, speak, voyage, return, through train, railway
Запиши номер предложения и слово

1.It takes him an hour to get to work by........
2. How long does it take you to get to the nearest..........station.
3. It was very........of you to help me.
4. Can you........ .English well?
5.She began to........for help because the house was on fire.
6.People usually buy.........in the booking-offices.
7. A...........is a long trip.
8.You can go on a wonderful voyage................
9. I dont want to buy a.................ticket to London,Ill never be back.
10.The weather is not fine,the...........is blowing.
11. How was your .......to Moscow?
12. Did you .......... by plane?
13.She is never .............of reading.
14.You dont have to change as it is a....... ..........
15.Are you going on a..................next summer?
16.Can you.............the way to me?
17.I dont like to travel with a lot of..................
18. Did you find a............or an expensive hotel?
19.Walk ..........ahead.
20. He is .........70.

Задание 2. Соотнеси слова чтобы получились словосочетания . запиши номер и букву, например 1.с
1. Meet a. the local cuisine
2. buy b. famous landmarks
3. visit c. the locals
4. lie d. nature
5. go e. time to yourself
6. see f. souvenirs
7. try g. on the beach all day
8. explore h. museums
9. have i. on guided tours

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