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Write the words in bold in the singular or the plural.
1 Flight attendants have short
for safety reasons, han
2 I've got some.
- in my bag to eat on the plane, fruit
3 I went on over 10_ _ last year! plane
4 I'm a security guard, and I really enjoy my -
_! work
5 I think
- teach you a lot. trip
6 Heathrow Airport has over 180,000.
a day! passenger​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. we are close family and we … on well with each other.   b) get  2. my mother has a good sense of … . c) humour 3. a woman, who works at home for her family, is a … . a) housewife  4. a child, who doesn’t obey parents, is … . b) naughty  5. a person, who is impolite, is … . b) rude  2. выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1. mum … tv now. а).is watching  2. he sometimes … to church.   b) goes  3. i … read the newspaper every morning.   c) read 4. granny usually … dinner in the evening.   b) cooks  5. we … a test at the moment. a) are writing  3. заполнить пропуски нужным предлогом, если требуется. 1. we usually go skiing in  winter. 2. do you speak   any foreign languages? 3. where can i change dollars for… rubles? 4. can you play chess? it’s a very interesting game. 5. what country are you from… ? 1. задайте общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к предложению, начиная со слова в скобках. are the boys playing football in the park now?   where are  the boys playing football now?

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