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One professor at boston university said that today's parents didn't know how to organize " the family leisure." he suggested having a picnic in the backyard. i read it, gathered the family and said that in the evening we were going to have a picnic. my son george said that neighbors would think we had gone mad. my wife wondered what i was holding in my hands. it was our new blanket. i explained that we would sit and eat baked potatoes. we spread out the blanket in front of the garage and built a fire. i noticed the neighbors looking out the windows, but asked my wife and children not to pay attention to them. my wife grumbled that we were sitting on the rocks. finally, she nudged me and said that someone had come to us. i looked up and saw two police officers. one of them said that they had got the message that someone was sitting on a blanket.что объяснять - не знаю! наверное, вам нужны правила перевода из прямой речи в косвенную их можно найти в инете.  если есть вопросы - задавайте )) один профессор бостонского университета сказал, что современные родители не знают (don't know) - didn't know (present simple – past simple) о том, как организовать "досуг в кругу семьи". я прочитал это, собрал семью и сказал, что вечером мы устроим(we are going to have; will have) - we were going to haveили would have (future simple – future in the past) пикник. мой сын джордж сказал, что соседи подумают (will think) - would think, (future simple – future in the past) что мы сошли с ума (went mad) - had gone mad. (past simple – past perfect) а жена поинтересовалась, что я держу (am holding) - was holding (present continuous – past continuous) в руках. я объяснил, что мы будем сидеть и есть (will sit and eat) - would sit and eat (future simple – future in the past) печеную картошку.моя жена ворчала, что мы сидим (are sitting) - were sitting (present continuous – past continuous) на камнях. наконец она толкнула меня локтем и сказала, что кто-то пришел (has come) - had come (present perfect – past perfect) к нам. один из них сказал ,что они получили (got) - had got (past simple – past perfect) сообщение ,что кто-то сидит (is sitting) - was sitting (present continuous – past continuous) на одеяле.

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