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Now,use five of them to complete the sentences.

Sounds familiar, full stomach, boost your performance, stayed awake, alarm went off,feel sleepy, balanced diet,sleeping habits.

1)Eat more fruits and vegetables ____ .

2)Don't swim on a ___ .

3)Megan has a ____ she has lost weight.

4)He got up when his ____ .

5) He _____ the rest of the night thinking what to do.

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Ответы на вопрос:

учитель-это профессия. учитель должен учить своих учеников!   учитель проверяет тетради, проверочные или контрольные работы. учитель ставит оценки. учитель бывает от 1-4 уровня, 5-9 или 10-11.




the teacher is a profession. the teacher should teach their students! teacher checks the notebook, examinations or tests. the teacher puts the assessment. the teacher is from level 1-4, 5-9 or 10-11.


как то так!


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