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Задание 1: Составить диалог на тему «На кухне».
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British Food

British dishes have never been famous for their refinement or originality. The main purpose of food has been always in the benefits it has. That’s why up to this day the food is cooked with the best quality ingredients that are usually locally produced.
The British people usually start their day with a bowl of hot oatmeal. This nutritious and rich in vitamins porridge helps you to get a lot of energy. This meal is usually served with a cup of English black tea with milk.
The British people love meat, eggs and fish that’s why they eat food made of these ingredients during the whole day. Eggs and bacon are for breakfast, tuna and chicken sandwiches for lunch and beefsteak and for dinner.
The British eat vegetable salads very rarely but they love vegetarian soup-puree. They don’t usually eat it for lunch, they serve it for dinner with a piece of bread and butter.
The brandname of the British cuisine is fish-and-chips which is very unhealthy but tasty dish. It is considered fast food and consists of fried chicken and French fries. Locals buy it in the cafes «to go» when they just want to have a quick snack in the evening or during the day.
The British also don’t mind desserts. They can’t do without it on holidays or at tea-parties. As a tradition they serve tea with currant buns made of crumbly dough. Their favorite Christmas dessert is sweet puddings. In the UK they like to cook apple pies, bun scones with cream and jam as well as awesome Victorian cake.
In short, you can say that despite all the dishes looking plain, the food in Great Britain is very important. Every meal consists of several courses that are eaten slowly in order to enjoy their delicious taste.

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My name is misha. i am  11 years old.  i live in nadym

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