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1 Last week they visited many interesting places , ...

2 They have been happy in this host family , ...

3 His parents are very kind , ...

4 Ann will ask them three questions, ...

5 Tom and Tim were close friends, ...
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Ответы на вопрос:

1 Last week they visited many interesting places , didn't they?

2 They have been happy in this host family , haven't they?

3 His parents are very kind , aren't they?

4 Ann will ask them three questions,won't she?

5 Tom and Tim were close friends, weren't they?


Thanks for the letter. russia is also a very beautiful country in it there are many sights. also we have almost the highest mountain: the himalayas, its height is 8848 meters. our country attracts a lot of tourists. in our country there are more than 150 million people. also we cooperate with many countries. our country is leading by the right-of-way and buying oil. russia is also famous for its umini to make its very comfortable mice. also our country is the largest in the world. our army is number 2 in the world's largest in the world. before the evolution our country was the most non-drinkable. our country has existed since 862.- за письмо.россия тоже красивая страна в ней есть много достопримичательностей. также у нас есть почти самая высокая гора: гималаи её высота составляет  8848 метра. наша страна привликает много туристов. в нашей стране проживает более 150 милионов человек.также мы сотрудничием с многими странами.наша страна лидирует по прадаже и покупке нефти.также россия славится своим уминием делать свои конфортаблельные мышины. также наша страна самая большая в мире.наша армия по числиости на 2 месте самых больших в мире.до еволюции наша страна была самой непьющей.наша страна существует с 862 года.

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