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нужно описать картину по плану
Use three adjectives to describe one aspect of each image, then support your word choice with visual evidence. (For example, the Liotard still life looks "messy": teacups are tipped over, and or-ange peels and used spoons are on the table.)
What is the subject matter?
Why do you think the artist chose these particular objects? How did the artist arrange the objects? Describe how the artist used color.
Point out the use of different mediums in the paintings. Which images use a transparent medium? Which use an opaque me-dium?
Point out all the lines you see and describe what kind of lines they are. (straight, curvy, bent, squiggly, etc.)
Did the artist create an illusion of three-dimensional space? How did he or she accomplish this?
Imagine you are standing in the picture. Where are you standing in relation to the objects? (Are they above you? Below you? Close? Far away?)
Does this painting look realistic to you? Do you think the artist found these objects lying in this manner, or did he or she ar-range them like this?

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