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1) I wish I ________________ (have) a bigger car. Mine is too small.
а) had had, б) would, в) have had
2) I wish Ann ________________ (not say) that to Stuart. Now he is upset.
а) wouldn’t say, б) didn’t say, в) hadn't said
3) I wish I _________________ (know) Alice was ill last week. I would have phoned her.
а) knew had, б) known, в) would know
4) She wishes her son ___________________ (study) more often. He only studies before the exam.
а) would study, б) had studied, в) studied
5) Tom wishes he ______________________ (know) Jane's e-mail address. He would send her an e-mail.
а) would know, б) had known, в) knew?
6) I wish Thomas ________________ (not be) so selfish but he's always been like this.
а) wouldn't be, б) hadn’t been, в) wasn’t?
7) My brother wishes he __________________ (not be) so untidy. His room is always a mess.
а) wouldn’t be, б) hadn’t been, в) weren't
8) I wish I _____________________ (not eat) so much at Bill's party. Now I don't feel well.
9) I wish we ________________ (not have to) wear a school uniform. But it is a general rule.
10) I wish you ____________________ (stop) telling me what to do. It really annoys me.
11) Mary wishes she ____________________ (not forget) her umbrella on the bus. She'll have to buy a new one.
12) I wish your friend ____________________ (not tell) so many lies. I can't stand liars.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 б

5 а
6 а
7 в
8 didn’t eat
9 would had to
10 wouldn’t forgot
11 didn’t forgot
12wouldnt told

а это какая тема?

Present Countinues, Past Simple, Present Simple (и т.д.)?

1. when he bought a new bicycle? 2. who went to the theatre yesterday? 3.where tom lived three years ago? 4. who is making some coffee now? 5. who is going to the circus tomorrow? наверно так..

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