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Контрольная работа (тест) в 7 классе
I. Match the words with their Russian equivalent
1. Science fiction a. приключение
2. Animation b. автор песни
3. Catchy tunes c. красивый
4. Songwriter d. научна я фантастика
5. Adventure e. анимация
6. Handsome f. запоминающаяся мелодия
II. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct comparative or superlative form.
Mark is (intelligent) than him.
She is (tall) girl in the class.
He ran (fast) of all.
Avril Lavigne is (attractive) singer in the world.
He speaks (quietly) than his brother.
Ann is (beautiful) than Linda.
They are (famous) Russian figure skaters.
III. Complete the sentence with past simple or present perfect.
Yesterday they …….. (go) to the cinema.
Eva ……….. (live) here since she was a child.
She ………… (know) him since 2013.
……… (you/ever/watch) this thriller?
When he ……. (be) young he ……… (have) powerful voice.
She ……… (always/love) romantic films.
IV. Put the sentences in the right order to form a dialogue.
That’s £15, please.
It’s sold out.
Oh, well.
Two tickets for Harry Potter at 5 pm, please.
We still have tickets for the 8 pm and the 11.30 pm showing.
Here you are.
Thank you. Enjoy the movie!

Oh, ok. Two tickets for 8 pm then, please.

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Ответы на вопрос:


5) st peterburg was founded by peter the great on may 27, 1703.

1) the peter and paul cathedral was designed by domenico trezzini at the beginning of the eighteenth century.

2) the mikhailovsky castle was built by vasili bazhenov and vincenzo brenna at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

4) the magnificent   kazan cathedral was built in 1811.

7) the dutch church was housed un the beautiful building is newsky prospect in 1831-1837.

3) st isaac's cathedral was decorated by famous russian painters in the middle of the nineteenth century.

6) the victory monument was created in 1975.

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