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Once there lived an old man and an old woman, his wife.

They had no children.

The old man had a pet – a bird.

It was a little grey bird.

The man loved it dearly.

He took good care of it.

He gave it food and water every morning and every evening.

One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food.

He said to his wife: “ I’ll go to the shop to buy bread, salt, butter, spaghetti and sugar.

Please, take good care of the bird!

Give it food and water in the morning and in the evening!”

“OK” said his wife.

“I will.”

It was very cold.

The old man put on his warm trousers and boots, a sweater, an overcoat, a warm cap and went away.

The woman didn’t give the bird food or water in the morning.

She didn’t give the bird anything to eat or to drink in the evening.

The bird was very hungry and thirsty.

Suddenly the bird saw some bread on the table.

It ate some bread.

When the woman saw the bird eating the bread, she took the bird and threw it out of the window.

When the old man came home, he couldn’t see the bird.

“ Where is my bird?”

he asked his wife.

“ Oh.

Where is my little bird?

Where is my dear little friend?”

“I don’t know”, said his wife.

The old man went to the forest to look for his bird.

He walked, and walked, and walked.

He was very cold.

But he didn’t go back home – he was looking for his dear friend.

At last he saw his bird in a tree!

He was so happy!

He asked the bird to come back home, but the bird didn’t want to.

The bird said to the old man: “ Thank you very much.

You took good care of me.

But I will not go back home.

I don’t like your wife.”

Then the bird put two baskets – one large and the other small – near the old man and said: “ Take the basket which you like best and go back home.”

The old man thanked the bird, took the small basket and went home.

At home the old woman wanted to see what was in the basket.

They opened the basket and saw that it was full of gold.

The old man told his wife that the gold was the bird’s present.

“You are not clever!

I’m cleverer than you!

Tell me where your bird is!

I’ll go to see her.

But I’ll not take a small basket, I’ll take a large one.”

And the old woman run to the forest.

When she saw the old man’s bird in the tree, she said: “Hello, dear little bird!

I’m so happy to see you!

I love you very much!

You gave a basket to my husband.

Please, give me a basket, too!”

“All right,” said the bird, “I’ll give you a basket, too.”

And the little bird put two baskets near the woman – one large and the other small.

The old woman didn’t think long.

She quickly took to the large basket and ran home.

She didn’t thank the bird.

When she was back home, she wanted to see what was in the basket and opened it quickly.

And what did she see?

She saw only yellow leaves in it!

The bird was not hungry or thirsty.

The old man went to the forest to look for the bird.

He was very cold.

He wasn’t happy to see the bird.

The bird was under a tree.

The man took the small basket.

The woman took the small basket, too.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 had visited

2 had learnt

3 hadn't travelled

4 had flown

5 had packed

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