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The best variant (выбрать наилучший вариант) 1. she would love … a gold medal in the olympics. a) to win b) winning c) won2. a writer … the last page when the phone rang.a) wrote b) was writing c) has written3. he had … car in the race. a) the fastest b) faster c) fast4. the veterinarian … very hard this month.a) works b) had worked c) has worked5. it was … cold outside that we decided to stay at home.a) so b) such c) such a6. when i was younger i … swimming every day.a) used to go b) was going to c) have gone7. that’s the man … son is a famous runner. a) which b) who c) whose8. he works at a bank, …? a) hasn’t he b) isn’t he c) doesn’t he9. if the model knows about the meeting, she … .a) would come b) will come c) come10.the pilot … for london tomorrow morning. he has already packed his things.a) will leave b) has left c) is leaving

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to win a 2. was writing b 3. the fastest a 4. had worked b 5. such a c 6. used to go a 7. whose c 8.  doesn’t  he c9. would come a10. is leaving c


1. studied

2. moved

3. looked

4. stopped

5. talked

6. decided

7. dropped

8. married

9. wanted

10. died

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