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1) Complete the text with the words.
Susan 1) ... Peter so she flirted with him at a party one evening. Then he 2) ... her out and she said "Yes". They 3)... out together for three years and at first they 4) ... on very well. But after a lot of arguments she decided to 5) ... with him.
(Пропущенные слова: got asked finish went fancied)
2)Choose the correct alternatives:
He ... that the day was very hot.
Anna ... me that she was tired.
Pauline ... James that she wasn't going to the concert.
Helen ... Andrew if he wanted to go to the theatre.
John ... that he didn't want to sleep.
3)choose the correct alternatives in reported speech
Read the sentences in direct speech. Then choose the correct alternatives in reported speech.
"I have never been to the zoo," said Lisa. Lisa said that she ... never been to the zoo.
"I visited my granny," she said. She said that she ... visited her granny.
"I won't meet my boyfriend untill the weekend," she said. She said that she ... boyfriend untill the weekend.
wouldn't meet
didn't meet
"I can't answer this question," she said. She said that she ... answer this question.
couldn't answer
wouldn't answer
"I am doing my homework," he said. He said that he ... his homework.
was doing
had done
4)Choose the correct alternatives
"Did you watch his new video?" - He asked if we ... his new video.
have seen
had seen
"Is your dog friendly?" - She asked if ... friendly.
my dog was
was my dog
"Can your friend go snowboarding?" - He asked if ... go snowboarding.
my friend could
my friend can
"Do you speak Italian?" - He asked if ... Italian.
did I speak
I spoke
"Are you giong to the cinema?" - She asked if I ... to the cinema.
was going
am going

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. в конце учебного года студенты экзамены по предметам по специальности. present indefinite tense/ to have. 2. в кэмбридже существовала популярная традиция в полдень приглашать друзей на чай, горячие тосты с маслом и джемом. past indevinite tense/ to be. 3. вскоре из этих комнат откроется приятный вид на институтский сад. future indefinite tense/ to have a pleasant outlook. 4.  университет дружбы народов им. патриса лумумбы начал работать  c  небольшого количества      студентов из азии, африки и латинской америки. past indefinite tense/ to start.

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