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Нужно выполнить тест по английскому языку
Выполните тест ( оформляйте цифра-буква)

1.Do you often _____________ your granny?
a)Call b)calls c)calling d) called
2.What are they doing now in the garden? I think they _____________ the plants.
a)is watering b) are watering c)watered d)waters
3. Laura is busy at the moment. She _____________ her students’ homework.
a)are checking b) is checking c) checked d)checks
4.Maria Sharapova, a famous tennis player, _____________ the first Russian woman athlete who won Wimbledon.
a) becomes b) has became c)became d)will become
5 5.He always _____________ to congratulate me on my birthday.
a)is forgetting b) forgetting c)forgets d) forget
6 6.Did you _____________ it?
a)Did b)does c)was doing d) do
7 7.She _____________ her room when the doorbell rang.
a)decorated b)is decorating c)was decorating d) decorates
8 8.You have done it, ____ you?
a)Hasn’t b)Hadn’t c)Haven’t d) Had
9.English _____________ by my daughter in this school last year.
a)was learned b) is learn c) is learned d) is being learn
10.I work _____________ 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays.
a)To b)from c)in d)till
11.My grandfather has a lot of _____________ on his farm.
a)_Sheeps b) sheep c)ships d)ship
12._____________ did they arrive? They arrived about an hour ago.
a)Why b)When c)Where d)What

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