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What comes to your mind when you think about Great Britain?
Great Britain is a country of the most modern technologies and the most ancient
traditions. It hides some great mysteries though it tries to become opener to the world.
When I think about Great Britain I don’t see one country. I see many countries.
One of them is an ancient land of Stonehendge, with barbarian kingdoms of Pics and
Scots. Somewhere in the North of the country lives a monster – the famous Loch Ness
Monster, which then probably was a baby. I also see Robin Hood and his merry men
in Sherwood forest. I see monks and dukes riding here and there. I also see William
Wallace who fought for the freedom of Scots and won sp many battles.
At the same time I see the modern Britain, with its industrial cities and calm
country houses, with sheep Britain – the queen of seas and overseas, ruling colonies
in all parts of the world – in Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe. And I see Britain –
the centre of the Commonwealth, the Britain whose most popular dish id chicken
I see the Britain of Sherlock Holmes and of Queen Victoria. And I see the
Britain of Lady Diana. I see the Britain under the German bombs – and the peaceful
countryside with its pubs and golf fields.
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Questions: 1 Have you ever been to Great Britain?
2 What cities do you know?
3 What are the main political parties?
4 What can you say about the climate of Great Britain?
5 Who is now the head of the state?
6 Can you tell anything about the school system?
7 What food and drinks do you associate the country with?
8 What is the largest river?
9 What is the capital of Great Britain?
10 What does it mean “The Queen reigns, but does not rule”?

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Ответы на вопрос:

8n1.how much did i(you)pay for the computer? 2.what foreign languages did mrs robinson teach at the university? 3.how often did we go to the cinema last month? 4.which books did mike choose? 5.how much fish did we caught? 6.what did said jack about the accident? 7.how many spelling mistakes did mary? 8.what time did we have dinner? 9.when did i come? 10.whose notebook did mary take by mistake? 11.when did we hear this opera? 12.where did i last meet peter in january? 13.what time did mike leave? 14.how much does this notebook computer cost? 15.where did i find my umbrella? 16.what books did i (you) read in summer? 17.when did we begin the work? 18.how much money did john send me? 19.how long did jack write this composition? 20.what did i tell kate about you? 21.how much work did he do?

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