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Mushroom and Ham Salad
First, 5 mushrooms … (1 – cut) into small pieces and …(2 — mix) with two cut spring
onions. Then, 100 g cooked ham …(3— cut) into fine cubes. Now, mushrooms, onions
and ham … (4 — mix) in a bowl. Finally, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice … (5 — mix)
with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and the mixture… (6 — add) to the salad mixture. Enjoy
your salad!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 are cut
2 (are) mixed
3 is cut
4 are mixed
5 are mixed
6 is added

Перевод надо дописать?



1 номер уже сделан, сразу перейду ко второму.

2) You should close all doors. 3) You should use the fire extinguisher. 4) You should cover mouth and nose, crawl along the floor. 5) You should follow escape routs.

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