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Ex. 4. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола ‘tobe’.
1. His father _____ a well-known actor.
2. I _____ an engineer now, but ten years ago I _____ a student at the Technical University.
3. My new flat _____ big and comfortable.
4. Last year he _____ in the USA.
5. Our laboratories ____ new and modern, but some equipment ___ quite out-of-date.
6. In the past they _____ close friends, but now their relations _____ rather cool.
7. I _____ an engineer in five years.
8. Next month our delegation _____ in France.
9. In future our contacts _____ permanent and stable.
10. Yesterday the meeting _____ long and boring, but I hope it _____ more interesting tomorrow.
11. I don’t know what the results of the last experiment _____, but I _____ quite sure they _____ correct next time.
12. Who _____ responsible for this kind of work today?
13. I _____ very glad to see you next Sunday.
14. You _____ as beautiful as you _____ many years ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is
2) am, was
3) is
4) was
5) is, is
6) were, are
7) will be
8) will be
9) will be
10) was, will be
11) were, am, will be
12) is
13) will be
14) are, was

вроде так)

My friend and i were at the summer cottage. it was funny. we run, walked, played and took photos for instagram. i want to return these holidays. we had a lot of fun

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