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Переведите выделенные части предложения на английский язык, используя инфинитив, данный в скобках.

1. Чтобы изучать engineering at university you need to pass maths and physics exams, (to study)

2. It isn't necessary to be rich чтобы быть счастливым, (to be happy)

3. She joined the Navy чтобы посмотреть the world, (to see)

4. T was the first one in my family кто поступил в университет, (to get in)

5. That was the very first programme которую показали on the new channel, (to show)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. To study engineering at the university, you need to pass exams in mathematics and physics

2. It isn't necessary to be rich to be happy

3. She joined the Navy to watch the world

4. T was the first one in my family who went to university

5. That was the very first program shown on the new channel

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