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"as ... as” uru “not so ... as” 8 credytowux npedroyeHuax:
1. This dress is ... fashionable ... that blue one. 2. This suit
is ... elegant ... Mike has. 3. I think pork is ... delicious ... mutton.
4. This suitcase is not ... heavy ... the one on that shelf. 5. These
tights are not ... stylish ... those ones. 6. This car is ... expensive ...
I have seen in the USA. 7. These shoes are not ... long-wearing ...
he had last year. 8. This material is ... coarse ... leather. 9. Her rain-
coat is not ... crease-resistant ... mine. 10. This velvet is ... dark ...
that I saw in the shop window.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

+My parents are driving to work now
- My parents aren’t driving to work now
?Are my parents driving to work now?

Популярно: Английский язык