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Прочтите текст (комментарии) и выполните задания:

1. Match the word combinations and their definitions:

1. Social Security a) laws and principles according to which a state is governed.
2. Social insurance b) a social class which is not protected.
3. Social worker c) government provisions for helping people who are unemployed, ill, disabled etc.
4. The Welfare State d) any measure taken as a safeguard against sickness, death, injury etc. in return for regular payments.
5. Constitution e) trained person who works to improve the social welfare of individuals.
6. Vulnerable strata f) a name applied to a country with the state financed social services.

2. Insert the right word and translate:
(elderly people, earnings, worthy life, to support, old age, income, financial difficulties,)
Most of them cannot travel or have a treatment in resort and even to invite friends because of …
Many people have to work being pensioners … necessary living standard.
Usually … work in budget sphere, where wages are low.
Despite all efforts, the living standard of elderly people is not sufficient for the providing of … .
In big cities a significant part of … is spent on the payment for flat and communal service.
Throughout a worker's career, the Social Security Administration keeps track of his or her … .
Despite the … , people demonstrate fantastic inventiveness, a lot of energy in self-providing.

3. Read the text and answer the questions:
1. What does the state social policy include?
2. What is social protection?
3. Why are elderly people one of the most vulnerable strata in Russian society?
4. What does the social service for elderly people include?
5. What are the main purposes of the law?
6. Why does not the law guarantee effective support?
7. What does the work of social workers involve?

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1. is the bus in front of  the school? 2. is the bus or the car in front of  the school? 3. where is the bus? 4. what is in front of the school? 5. the  bus is in front of the school, isn't it?

1. общий вопрос  2. альтернативный 3. специальный 4. вопрос к подлежащему 5. разделительный

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