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1. how did sara lose her bag ? – she ….. home from work and left it on the bus. a) traveledb) was travelingc) traveld) would travel 2. she ….. to stay at home and study. a) mustb) canc) shouldd) ought 3. i need these shoes on saturday …… they ….. ready by then ? a) should…areb) will…bec) do… --d) do…are 4. i'd like to see this film s soon as it …. out. a) will comeb) is going to comec) comesd) came 5. what ….you do if someone tried to rob you in the street? a) wouldb) willc) haved) are going 6. i´ll phone you if i ….to go out tonight. a) decidedb) will decidec) would decided) decide 7. oh no! i've forgotten marcel's address. i knew i ….itdown. a) could have wroteb) should have writtenc) would writed) have wrote 8. it's not necessary to show your passport.=you … show your passport. a) canb) shouldn’tc) don’t have tod) ought to 9. to usually do something. choose the best alternative . a) preferb) tendc) denyd) tent 10.an imprecisenumber, more than a few ,but not a lot. choose the best alternative . a) normalb) couplec) severald) less 11. can you ….me about this appointment? a) forgetb) rememberc) remindd) recognize 12. when people …. married they become a husband and wife. a) comeb) goc) getd) take 13. which word is different ? a) hugeb) enormousc) terrificd) gigantic

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1)they buy presents in the shop 2)friends buy: cake,candles and ball 3)they need biggest cake in the shop 4)they need longest candles in the shop 5)they need the coolest present in the shop 6)olga wants to buy the biggest cake 7)kolya wants to buy most expensive present 8)alex wants to buy ball

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