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find Passive verb forms in the text - найти пассивные формы глагола в тексте

• Russia has a long tradition of computing education. Russia was one of the original innovators in studying computers and computer science at schools. ‘Computational Mathematics & Programming’, for example, was certified at national level in 1961.

• Under the National Computer Literacy Program (1985) computer science was included in the school curricula as a compulsory subject, alongside other scientific disciplines.

• The Computers for Rural Schools Initiative (2002-2003) ensured that each rural school in the country had a minimum of three computers in the building.

The Internet for Every School Programme (2006-2008) further improved access to information technology across all of Russia, and today every school in the country must have computers and access to the Internet.

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"Computational Mathematics & Programming", for example, was certified at national level in 1961(1985) Computer science was included in the schoolThe country had a minimum of three computersSchool Programme further improved access to information

1.Computational Mathematics & Programming, for example, was certified at national level in 1961

2.(1985) Computer science was included in the school

3.The country had a minimum of three computers

4.School Programme further improved access to information


1. interested

2. depressed

3. exciting

4. tired

5. exchausting

6. surprising




10. amusing

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