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Essay on About my friends

What is the friendship? I suppose it’s a quite complicated term. Friendship is not only the number of people who you communicate with every day but it’s a deep feeling of support and understanding that you receive from them. Furthermore, you can’t make friends in one day. Friendship comes with the years you have spent together, experiences you’ve had together and the troubles you’ve got into and sorted out together.

I’m absolutely convinced that nobody can have a lot of friends. People can have a lot of classmates, colleagues or acquaintances but not friends. As for me I just have two people in my life that I can call real close friends. Their names are Kate and Ann and they are of the same age as me. We have known each other for ages and I can say we have been friends as long as I remember myself. All of us really have a lot in common. We are keen on the same music, the same clothes and we are even in love with the same boys.

In spite of that, we also have quarrels as all other friends. We can’t agree about some trivial things from time to time. Nevertheless, we can’t be in a quarrel for a long time and finally, we understand that nothing is more important than our friendship.

We adore spending time together. It doesn’t matter what we do, listen to music, surf the internet, go shopping or have a meal in a café, the time together always means a plenty of fun. We all have different talents and hobbies. I’m good at dancing, Kate is a brilliant tennis player and Ann draws fantastic pictures, but we try to teach each other and we’re really interested in each other’s lives.

I have always been thinking what the secret of long and successful friendship is. Now I can surely claim that it’s trust and respect. I trust my friends and get the same from them.

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