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1. We ... wear a school uniform, we can wear jeans.

2. Jane ... be silent in the school library.

3. You ... visit a doctor, you are ill.

4. Two men tried to sell a painting that ... .

5. A cinema is a place where films ... .

6. Amerika ... by Christopher Columbus.

7. They ... bring a packed lunch, because they stay at school till 5 pm.

8. Steve ... be more hardworking.

9. The museum will be opened ... the Queen.

10. The building ... destroyed by fire in 1788.

11. You ... be on time.

12. ... this park be opened next month.

13. She ... switch off her mp3 player at school.

14. A new book .... by that company next year.

15. A new supermarket ... next year.

16. Many beautiful beaches ... in this country.

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