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1) _Best and 2 )_Worst 3) _ beautiful garden is what 4) _ English like about 5) _ house most of all. There is 6) _ competition for 7) _ nicest garden in our town once 8) _ year. Joe Sand has 9) _ most beautiful garden in 10)_ town and he wins 11)_ competition every time. Bill Leaf has 12) _ large garden too. There are 13) _rare flowers and 14) _ vegetables in his garden, but still Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made 15) _ neat paths and has built 16) _ wooden bridge over 17)_ pool. I am 18) _ gardener too, but I don't like 19)_ hard work. Every year I enter 20) _ garden competition, but always win 21)_ little prize for 22) _ worst garden in 23)_ town!

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The best and the worst. A beautiful garden is what the English like about the house the most of all. There is a competition for the nicest garden in our town once a year. Joe Sand has the most beautiful garden in the town and he wins the competition every time. Bill Leaf has a large garden, too. There are rare flowers and vegetables in his garden, but still Joe’s garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over the pool. I’m a Gardner too, but I don’t like the hard work. Ever6 year I enter the garden competition, but always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!

  1) cathedrals of paris have been impressed me 2)"i want to show you my dog"-"what does it look like? " 3) tom is dying for buying this car. 4)the british were disappointed with the result of a football match. 5) don`t order a fish in this restaurant. they are famous for their burgers. 6) i would like to return these jeans. i don't like them. 7)i want to share my impressions with my friends.

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