Есть ответ 👍

УМОЛЯЮ Даю максимум!!!!

Выбрать правильный вариант ответа. Здесь есть времена: Present Simple Passive Voice, Past Simple Passive Voice, Present Continuous Passive Voice, Past Continuous Passive Voice. Все времена в Пассивном залоге. Вам нужно выбрать или Продолженное (Continuous) время.
5 предложений. 1 правильный ответ =1 балл.
Individual work.
1. What about the beds for the guests? – The beds (are made\are being made) at the moment, sir.
2. A lot of words (were borrowed\ were being borrowed) by English.
3. When I came home in the evening, everybody was in the living room: a new play (was broadcast\was being broadcast).
4. He warned them to be careful. The gate (was whitewashed\was being whitewashed).
5. I hope the roses (are watered\are being watered).

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. What about the beds for the guests?

– The beds are being made at the moment, sir.

2. A lot of words were borrowed by English.

3. When I came home in the evening, everybody was in the living room: a new play was being broadcast.

4. He warned them to be careful. The gate was whitewashed.

5. I hope the roses are watered.


Как я думаю:

1) rock-climbing



4)ice skating





Популярно: Английский язык