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Mark Twain

Mark Twain once wanted to borrow a book from one of his neighbours. He
came to his house and saw him _____1 (work) in the library. He came up to him
and said, ”I’ like you _____2 (give) me an interesting book for a day or two. I’ve
read all the books from my library.”
“Well, of course,” answered the man, “I’ll be very glad to let you _____3(read)
the book, but I’d like you ______4 (read) it here. I never let anyone _____5 (take)
my book away from my house.”
A week later the neighbor wanted to borrow Mark Twain’s mower (косилка).
He heard the writer _____6 (sing) in his garden, came up to him and said, “I’d
like you _____7 (give) me a mower for a while. Mine has broken down.”
“Well, of course,” said Mark twain, “I’ll be very glad to let you ______8 (use)
my mower, but I’d like you _____9(use) it here. I never let anyone _______10
(take) my mower away from my garden.


Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) working

2) to give

3) to read

4) reading

5) taking

6) singing

7) to give

8) using

9) to use

10) taking


Loudly beautifully strongly slowly quickly happily badly, well№2choose and underline the correct word 1) our teacher always speaks in a quiet/quietly  2) don`t speak so loud/ loudly,please 3 )look! kate is a beautifuk/beautifully  4) l think tnat tom is a strong/strongly boy 5) the boys in our class are veru polite/politely  6) my brother is learning to drive. so he is driving slow/slowly  7) nick is ill/ ye is coughing bad/badly  №3 choose the correct word from the brackets 1) the girls are . they talk ( 1polite, 2politely) 2) jim is a student. he studies . (1good, 2well) 3) pam dances so her dances are veru .( 2nice, 1nicely) 4) please, be you must sit (1quiet,2quietly) 5) sue sings . her voice is so ( 2beautiful, 1beautifully)

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