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Переведи предложения и запиши в тетрадь: переводчиком не пользуйся, проверь, как ты усвоил-а новые слова за этот раздел!

А. Я предпочитаю дружить с соседями.

Б. Мы любим жарить барбекю с соседом

В. Я остановился чтобы соседям

Г. Тебе не следует избегать встречи с соседями

Д. Я согласен поладить с соседом

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Ответы на вопрос:

We have never seen such a man, he must be a sportsman. b) tall the bag was very , so i asked for help.c) heavy could you me your dictionary, please? c) lend he was born in the of rodnykivka.b) village experts say are the lungs of our planet.c) forests don’t interfere into my plans and mind your own .c) business can you see the out of this situation? d) way if you don’t feel seasick a sea is for you.b) voyage the student many mistakes and got a bad mark.b) made she at me attentively and left the room.d) looked they a taxi to get to the airport.b) took it's to learn all the rules without understanding them.a) difficult it's impolite to make people for long.a) wait when i have time, i'll a letter to you.b) write it was so dark that we could see the objects.c) hardly when mary came home her parents were very angry.a) late

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