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Очень надо!

1) he said he will be there on time.

2) he said I had already cleaned the teeth.

3) he said he met the sportsman in London two years before.

4 )he said he is busy today.

5) he said he read Hamlet in English in childhood.

6)Scarves can make from cotton.

7)The door is often locks.

8) The boys lock the door yourselves.

9)The door must locked.

10)I haven't locked the door. - So have I.

11) The bike will repair tomorrow.

12) The bike is repaired yesterday.

13) He has repaired the bike an hour ago.

14) if you will visit us, we will show you the photos.

15)They didn't used to study hard.

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менде суретти шыкпай тур


менде суретмюи шыкпайт

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