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2. Грамматика время. Формы глагола to be.
Упр.3(а) стр107
Выполнить упражнение. Вставить правильную форму глагола to be.
1. … you at school yesterday? – No, I ….
2. Where … your big brother last night?
3. My friends and I … at the circus last Sunday.
4. … there an Animal Hospital in our town 30 years ago? – No, there …
5. … there any sports centres in your town in 1980? – No, there …
6. Mila … at home in the evening yesterday. She … at the cinema.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1)Were you at school ?- No, I was.

2) Where was your big brother last night ?

3)My friends and I was at the circus last Sunday .

4)Is there an Animal Hospital in our town 30 years ago?-No there was .

5)Were there any sports centers in your town in 1980 ?-No, there were.

6)Mila was at home in the evening yesterday.She was at the cinema.

Простите. я не могу єто решить!


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