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2. Who was Quonab and what he did on the great rock?

3. How did his wigwan look like inside?

4. What did he eat for breakfast and where he went after it?

5. How did he pay for the bargain ?

6. Where did he go on his way back and why?

7. What was Michal and how he met Quonab?

8. What kind of person was Kittering?

g. Who was his wife?

10. How did Rolf appear in the Kittering's family?

11. How did Rolf live in his uncle's family?

12. Whom did he meet in the forest one day?

13. Why did they become friends?

14. Why was Rolf's uncle angry with his niece when he saw him with Indian?

15. How was he going to learn his niece lesson?

16. Why and where did Rolf escape from his uncle's farm?

17. What do you think about the further Rolf's live in the forest?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Aaa was a good driver for us to get us to

Ялиза.когда мы слышим слово герой мы думаем о храбрых людях или о военном времени или о военных лидирах.но мой герой это мой брат.он умный и отзывчивый.если у меня плохой день ,он успакаивает меня . мой брат первым мне с моим .когда у меня болит горло ,он пытается лечить и заботиться обо мне с медом,горячим чаем и лимоном.он хочет быть доктором и его цель изобрести новое лекарство.

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