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Ex.16 Rewrite the sentences in indirect speech.
1.The reporter noted:"There is a serious lack of resources available to us now."
2.They admitted:"The earth is now over populated."
3.Anna said:"To ride a bike is good for the environment and great for your health."
4.Scientist warn:"Oil spills damage the prime source of water for various cities marine life and even affect birds."
5.Our teacher explained to us:"Many chemicals destroy the ozone layer because they interact with ozone."
6.A famous ecologist said:"The use of nuclear energy has led to the threat."
7.The author of the article stated:"The high amounts of air pollution are caused by the development of several industries and water pollution."
9.I asked myself:"What ere the ingredients of these cleaning products?"
10)The professor taught us:"Don't worry about what the world is doing. Worry about your own deeds that are contributing to the numerous environmental problems on the plant".
Особенно с 10)...

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.The reporter noted there was a serious lack of resources available to us then

2.They admitted the earth was over populated then.

3.Anna said to ride a bike was good for the environment and great for our health.

4.Scientist warn oil spills damage the prime source of water for various cities marine life and even affect birds /Обратите внимание, здесь главное предложение в настоящем.

5.Our teacher explained to us that many chemicals destroyed the ozone layer because they interacted with ozone.

6.A famous ecologist said the use of nuclear energy had led to the threat.

7.The author of the article stated the high amounts of air pollution were caused by the development of several industries and water pollution.

9.I asked myself what the ingredients of these cleaning products were.


i would like to travel a lot because i like to discover new places, to get to know new people. (я хотел бы путешествовать много, потому что я люблю открывать новые места, знакомиться с новыми людьми)

i would like to travel a lot because i like learning foreign languages. (я хотел бы путешествовать много, потому что мне нравится изучать иностранные языки)

i would like to travel a lot because i could eat different types of food every time. (я хотел бы путешествовать много, потому что я могу пробовать различные виды пищи каждый раз)

i would like to travel a lot because i like to see beautiful places, mountains, seas and oceans. (я хотел бы путешествовать много, потому что я люблю смотреть красивые места, горы, моря и океаны)

i don't like to travel much because i always feel homesick. (я не люблю много путешествовать, потому что я всегда тоскую)

i don't like to travel much because i don't speak foreign languages. (я не люблю много путешествовать, потому что я не говорю на иностранных языках)

i don't like to travel much because i don't like to fly by plane. (я не люблю много путешествовать, потому что я не люблю летать на самолете)

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