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Добрый вечер У нас есть оливковое масло, но нет соли и перца.
2. Сколько пакетов молока в холодильнике?
3. Если мне нужны солнечные очки, я куплю их в оптике.
4. Я купила блузку в горошек для своей мамы вчера.
5. Эта клетчатая рубашка очень идет тебе. И по размеру подходит. И галстук подходит к твоей рубашке.
6. Как долго ты изучаешь английский?
7. Мама готовит ужин уже два часа.
8. Мы еще не закончили писать тест.
9. Он спокойный как удав.
10. Многие считают, что современные подростки лежебоки.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1. We have olive oil, but no salt and pepper.

2. How many packets of milk are in the refrigerator?

3. If I need sunglasses, I will buy them in optics.

4. I bought a polka dot blouse for my mom yesterday.

5. This plaid shirt really suits you. And fit in size. And a tie fits your shirt.

6. How long have you been studying English?

7. Mom has been preparing dinner for two hours.

8. We have not finished writing the test.

9. He is calm as a boa constrictor.

10. Many believe that modern adolescents are bedridden.

1. We have olive oil, but no salt and pepper.

2. How many packets of milk are in the refrigerator?

3. If I need sunglasses, I will buy them in optics.

4. I bought a polka dot blouse for my mom yesterday.

5. This plaid shirt really suits you. And fit in size. And a tie fits your shirt.

6. How long have you been studying English?

7. Mom has been preparing dinner for two hours.

8. We have not finished writing the test.

9. He is calm as a boa constrictor.

10. Many believe that modern adolescents are bedridden.


вроде правильно

They could be right. could i use the phone? you could have done this alone. he irritates me so much that i could scream.  you could not have managed without my help.

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