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1. Tony is not usually easy to get on with but he ___ very co-operative these days
-is being
-has been
2. He___his car. Someone bought it last week.
-already sold
-has already sold
-had already sold
-already sell
3. How long___that tou are going to have a baby?
-have you been knowing
-do you know
-had you been knowing
-have you known
4. I___Bertha for ages. Where is she?
-have not been seeing
-had not seen
-have not seen
-did not see
5. I can not talk now. We___a meeting. I will call you later
-will be having
-are having
-will have
6/ Jessica___back from work and she is exchausted
-has just come
-had just come
-has just came
-just came
7. What you___of her? Will she be easy to work with?
-have you thought
-are you thinking
-does you think
-do you think
8/ Terry___the kitchen all morning. He must be exhausted
-was painting
-had been painting
-has been painting
9. I___preparing dinner yet so I"d better hurry
-do not start
-have not started
-had not started
-did not start
10/ She ___ unemploued for a long time but thankfully, she is got a job now
-has been
-is being

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

2.has already sold
3.have you been knowing
4.have not seen
5.are having
6.just came
7.do you think
8.was painting
9.have not started

Люблю английский.

1. Tony is not usually easy to get on with but he has been very co-operative these days.

2. He already sold his car. Someone bought it last week.

3. How long have you known that tou are going to have a baby?

4. I have not seen Bertha for ages. Where is she?

5. I can not talk now. We are having a meeting. I will call you later.

6. Jessica just came back from work and she is exchausted.

7. What you do you think of her? Will she be easy to work with?

8. Terry was painting the kitchen all morning. He must be exhausted.

9. I have not started preparing dinner yet so I"d better hurry.

10. She was unemploued for a long time but thankfully, she is got a job now.

Мен дүйсенбі күні сағат 7.30 да тұрамын.тамақтанып, үйден 8.15 те шығамын.сабақ 9.15 те басталады.бірінші сабақ француз тілі.ол үшін өте қиын əсірісе тыныс белілері.біздің сыныпта француз тілін ұнатпайтын көп. 9.50 де тарих басталады.мен бұл сабақты маңызды деп ойлаймын.содан соң 15минут үзіліс.үзілістен соң 2 сабақ .маған сабағы ұнайды.мен есепті жақсы шығарамын.

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