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Здравствуйте Подчеркни правильный предлог.

1. Paula goes swimming every day in/on the afternoon.
2. What do you usually do in/at the weekend.
3. Julia has a lesson every afternoon in/at 3 o’clock.
4. Lara is on/at home today.
5. He goes to bed late in/at the evening.

2. Fill in: am, is, are. Заполни пропуски am, is, are.

1. Diane … planting flowers in the garden.
2. Jane and Philip … talking to grandpa.
3. What … you doing there?
4. … Luke working on the computer?
5. I … helping my mum to cook dinner.

3. Write the Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets. Раскрой скобки, употребляя форму Present Continuous.

1. Mat and Fred …… (do) a crossword.
2. Why …… you …… (cry)?
3. She …… (not go) shopping today.
4. Tina’s computer …… (not work) and she can’t send emails.
5. …… Mr. White …… (repair) his car?

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Ответы на вопрос:


who you are

  where do you live

what do u do

the good things that happen sometimes

Популярно: Английский язык