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1. I … too much. I’m going to have a diet. A) weight; B) weigh; C) am weighting; D) have weighed 2. How much money have you got? - … A) No; B) Nothing; C) Not many; D) None 3. The USA … situated in … North America. A) is … the; B) are … -; C) is … -; D) are … the 4. How often … you … in love so far? A) have … fallen; B) do … fall; C) did … fall; D) are … - 5. By the time the lesson … over I … through with the translation. A) is … am not; B) will be … will be; C) is … won’t be; D) is … will have been 6. Are you going to work? – No, … . A) I take a bus; B) to the doctor’s; C) by train; D) I am riding bicycle 7. Mr Brown is a famous surgeon. Unfortunately, … of his twin-sons takes after him. A) both; B) nobody; C) neither; D) none 8. A beggar approached … the man and asked him for help. A) to; B) at; C) -; D) towards 9. John was … of the two brothers. A) the more talented; B) most talented; C) more talented; D) the most talented 10. He is so stubborn. He can’t be made … he doesn’t want to. A) to do what; B) do what; C) to do that what; D) do anything 11. There are many advantages … living alone. A) in; B) of; C) from; D) by 12. I complimented her … her fluent English. A) about; B) for; C) with; D) on 13. Let’s not go there, …? A) will we; B) won’t we; C) shall we; D) let’s we 14. I’d rather you … it now. A) to do; B) did; C) not to do; D) doing 15. Michael’s salary is very low. … isn’t enough … . A) There … on living; B) It … living with; C) There … to live; D) It … to live on 16. By the time the lesson … over I … through with the test. A) had been … was; B) was … had been; C) was … was; D) had been … had been 17. She was … student. A) a fifth-year; B) a five-year; C) the fifth-year; D) a five-years 18. He went … sightseeing tour. Our friends went sightseeing too. A) on; B) a; C) -; D) on a 19. The fruit … . A) taste sweet; B) tastes sweet; C) taste sweetly; D) tastes sweetly 20. … tears were running … her face. A) The … across; B) - … down; C) - … over; D) - … on 21. My Granny says she will be working … she … to. A) till … is able; B) while … is able; C) as long as … will be able; D) as long as … is able 22. It was just … time for … children to go to bed. A) the … the; B) - … the; C) the … -; D) - … - 23. His father is twice as … he is. A) older as; B) older than; C) old than; D) old as 24. Today it’s very pleasant to go out for those … frost. A) who likes the; B) who like the; C) who like; D) who likes 25. … mother and father were at home, but … of them heard Jane come in. A) Both … none; B) Either … none; C) Both … neither; D) Neither … both 26. They spoke in … than … . A) a louder voice … usual;​​B) lower voices … usual; C) a lower voice … usual;​​D) louder voices … usually 27. There is no such … thing as … good influence. A) - … - ; B) - … a; C) a … - ; D) a … a 28. I wonder what … . – It’s almost 5 o’clock. A) time is; B) the time is; C) is the time; D) is time 29. The boy was … afraid of his stepfather, but was … fond of his half-brother. A) very …very;​​​B) very … very much; C) very much … very much;​​D) very much … very 30. He’ll … be able to understand … . A) hard … anything; B) hardly … anything; C) hardly … something; D) hardly … nothing 31. It … the first time he … a lie. A) is … told; B) was … was told; C) was … told; D) is … has told 32. He has never heard of it since he … young. A) has been; B) is too; C) has been so; D) is such 33. The parents waited patiently … the child … . A) when … calmed down;​​B) when … would calm down; C) until … calms down;​​D) after … has calmed down 34. She’d like … the place as soon as possible, … she? A) to leave … hadn’t;​​B) to leave … wouldn’t; C) leaving … didn’t;​​D) to leave … would 35. The pupils wondered … the new teacher … . A) whom … likes; B) who … looks like; C) what … looked like; D) how … looked like 36. How did you get there? – I travelled … 6:45 train. A) by the; B) in; C) by; D) on 37. Everybody blamed me … accident. – That’s a lie, nobody blamed the accident … you! A) of … to; B) with … with; C) for … on; D) in … on 38. I’d rather you … anyone what I said. A) not tell; B) didn’t tell; C) don’t tell; D) not to tell 39. We are trying to find a solution … the problem. A) to; B) of; C) for; D) from 40. She was politeness … . A) itself; B) herself; C) oneself; D) at all

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 a

2 c

3 a

4 a

5 d

6 d

7 d

8 d

9 d

10 a

11 b

12 b

13 d


15 c

1. yes, I just saw him
2. yes, she just phoned
3. no, I just came home

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