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Ответы на вопрос:

1: Ann is going to school now

2: He plays the quitar every day

3: Jane and Sam are reading a book now

4: Dad is washing his car at the moment

5: He walks his dog in the evening

6: Olga is playing tennis in the yard

7: We are drawing funny pictures for our friends' birthday parties

8: He always does his homework after school

9: I am not doing an English exercise now

10: Tom usually reads a lot

11: Listen! Sandy is singing in the bedroom

12: My mother is making lunch now

13: My sister never is helping in the kitchen

14: Sarah sometimes is reading classics

15: We rarely watch TV in the morning

16: They often clean the garage

17: Look! The boys are coming home

18: His cousin goes for a walk every day

19: I am chatting online at the moment

20: Cats are eating mice

1: Анна идёт в школу сейчас

2: Он играет на гитаре каждый день

3: Джейн и Сэм читают книгу сейчас

4: Папа моет машину в данный момент

5: Он выгуливает его собаку вечером

6: Ольга играет в теннис во дворе

7: Мы рисуем весёлые картинки для вечеринки в честь дня рождения нашего друга

8: Он всегда дз после школы

9: Я не делаю задания по английскому сейчас

10: Том обычно много читает

11: Слушай! Сэнди поёт в комнате

12: Моя мама готовит обед сейчас

13: Моя сестра никогда не на кухне

14: Сара иногда читает классику

15: Мы редко смотрим телевизор утром

16: Они часто чистят гараж

17: Смотри! Мальчики идут домой

18: Его кузина прогуливается каждый день

19: Я переписываюсь онлайн в данный момент

20: Коты едят мышей


город, russia

november, 9


dear peter,

thanks for your last letter. i was glad to hear from you again. sorry, i haven't written to you earlier but i was preparing for my maths test.

in your last letter you asked me about my recent weekend. you're right, my weekend was wonderful. my sunday started with big breakfast with my family. after breakfast, my elder sister and i went to my grandma in the country. we talked a lot and helped her about the house. later we went back in our town. in the evening, my friend and i went to the cinema. we watched a really good film. as for calling me in skype, i agree. i think i won't be busy. call me at 4 pm, please.

have to go now. my mum asked me to help her with dinner.


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