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Упражнение 8. Вставьте some, any, no

I was terrified that _______disaster was waiting for me.

They didn’t make_______mistakes.

I don’t think _______of us ought to wish the result to be different.

There were_______people in the room. It was empty.

Now that he lived in the country he seldom had _______visitors.

I have_______money left. I’ve bought a very expensive book.

When we were on holiday, we visited_______very interesting places.

I went out to buy_______milk but they didn’t have_______in the shop.

He is_______good as a pianist.

Производные SOME, ANY, NO. Упражнения.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct answer. Write the story in your notebook.

Liz is shopping. She wants to buy (1 — anything / some / any) new clothes. She is going to a New Year party tonight, but she has got (2 — anything / nobody / nothing) to wear. She wants to buy (3 — some / any / something) nice and (4 — no / some / any) new shoes but she can’t find (5 — something / anything / anybody) that she likes. She is also looking for a present. She wants to buy (6 — nothing / anybody / something) special for her friend.

Exercise 10. Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box.

something, anybody, nobody, somebody

Granny: Tom, Jane, Max! Can __________ (1) help me tidy up? __________ (2) answers. Where are they?

Max: Granny! There’s__________ (3) in this room. Are you talking to yourself?

Granny: No, I’m not talking to myself. I’m asking __________ (4) to help me do __________ (5) about the

Max: OK. Can __________ (6) help Granny about the house? Tom, Jane, where are you? Come here, I want you to help Granny.

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Ответы на вопрос:

все, что смогла, больше нет времени❤️

Iwant to become a policeman. because i had one very sad story. my grandfather worked in the police, he was the best policeman for at least for me. i was always proud of him, but i did not want to become a policeman. i liked the profession of a lawyer more. my grandfather went to catch the most dangerous criminal, he caught it only his accomplice shot an unarmed woman and he leaped defensively in his life a bullet hit his heart and he died. i'm now 16 when i grow up i want to become a policeman because no one has caught this criminal who killed my grandfather. i want to personally catch him and kill him anyway, i'll sit in prison or not! but i soon changed my mind. but the criminal was caught. i was very happy then but still i missed my grandfather. and i decided to become a policeman and will serve there all my life. перевод я хочу стать полицейским. потому что у меня была одна грустная . мой дед работал в полиции он был самым лучшим полицейским по по крайней мере для меня. я всегда им гордился, но я не хотел стать полицейским мне больше нравилось профессия юрист. мой дед отправился ловить самого опасного преступника, он его словил только его сообщник выстрелил в безоружную женщину и он прыжком защитил женщина в своей жизни в него попала пуля в сердце и он умер. мне сейчас 16 я когда вырасту я хочу стать полицейским потому что никто не словил этого преступника который убил моего деда. я хочу его сам лично поймать и убить мне всё равно сяду я тюрьму или нет! но я вскоре передумал. а преступника того поймали. я был тогда счастлив но всё равно мне не хватало моего деда. и я решил стану полицейским и буду всю жизнь там служить.

Популярно: Английский язык