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Закончи предложения, используя нужную форму прилагательных.


A 1) The film is (interesting) than the book. -

The film is (more ) interesting than the book.

B) 1) Ben is (strong) than his brother. -

Ben is stronger than his brother.

2) This is the wonderful programme of all.

3) Chase is John’s favourite pet.

4) The new museum is the interesting museum

in our town.

5) Queen Mary is beautiful than the Queen Ann.

6) I think the last weekend was the pleasant.


2) In summer it’s (hot) than in autumn.

3) Winter is the (cold) season of the year.

I think it is the (good) season too.

4) Val is a (bad) runner than his friend Rick.

5) I think Alexander Pushkin is the (good)

Russian poet*.

6) I think Monday is the (bad) day of the week.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. stronger

2. hotter

3. the coldest, the best

4. worse

5. best

6. worst

Переведите предложения в косвенную речь.

1. Jane said that she worked in an office.

2. The weather man said that it was going to rain.

3. The motorists said that they were driving to a football match.

4. The old lady said that she had won the lottery.

5. Louise said that her friends didn’t like visiting museums.

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