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Прочтите текст и ответьте на во Вставьте в пропуски ‘ll или won’t.

1. Lucy was born in 1995. In 2007 she ________ be 12.

2. It's sunny today. It ________ rain.

3. Kelly is eleven today. She ___________ be twelve until next year.

4. Rob is nine. He __________ be ten on his next birthday.

5. This month is May. It________ be June next month.

6. Jenny: 'Mum, the bus is late. I _______ be home until eight o'clock.

7. It's 25 degrees today. It _________ snow tomorrow.

8. I sent the letter this afternoon. It __________ arrive until tomorrow.

3) A) Прочитайте текст. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Future Simple (Indefinite).

I like to go to school. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more. Soon it ____ (1 be) Sunday, and all our family _____ (2 be ) at home. I _____ (3 get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I_____ (4 do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I ____ (5 help) my mother in the kitchen and my father ____ (6 go) shopping. Then we (7 go) for a I walk in the park or to the cinema.

After dinner my friends ____ (8 come) to me, and we ____ (9 play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother ____ (10 knit), my father ____ (11 watch) a concert on TV and I ____ (12 listen) to music or read a book. I know that I ____ (13 have) a lot of fun next Sunday.

B) Найдите ответы на следующие во в тексте:

1. Will all the family be at home on Sunday?

2. When will the boy get up?

3. What will he do in the morning?

4. What will he do after breakfast?

5. Who will come after dinner?

6. What will they do at home or in the yard?

7. What will they do in the evening?

8. The boy will have a lot of fun next Sunday, won’t he?

4) Какова будет жизнь через 100 лет? Составьте во и дайте ответы на них.


Will children go to school in 100 years?

Children will go to school in 100 years. или Children won’t go to school in 100 years.

1 children | go | to school in 100 years?

2 people | watch | more TV than they do now?

3 people | read | fewer books?

4 people | live | longer?

5 everyone | speak | the same language?

6 the world's climate | be | different?

7 life I be I better?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. died2. started3. looked4. loves5. worked, retires

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